Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Are You Having Roof Problems?

There are seven problems you may be having with your home that all seem to have nothing to do with each other  but could have the roof to blame.  When there’s a problem with the roof, it doesn’t just affect the roof, it affects the whole house.  These are just a few of causes and effects of roof problems.

  • Shingles that are on the roof longer than their expected lifetime can start cracking and falling off the roof.

  • Old shingles have also lost a lot of granules over the years causing a dark, dirty look to some areas.

  • Damaged, compromised shingles can cause leakage in the attic space of a home.

  • High energy bills can be the result of the heating/cooling system constantly running to compensate poor attic ventilation.

  • Roof shingles and siding decaying can also be the cause of compromised attic ventilation.

  • The attic ventilation can also be blamed for exterior paint peeling off because of high humidity.

  • Compromised shingle or poor ventilation can be the result of mold and mildew growth on the ceiling.

If you have any of these problems, your roof could be the cause, but we specialize in roof replacement. Don’t let any of these roof problems rain on your parade, call us today at 1-8445RESTORE or visit us at www.8445restore.com.

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